Veteran Owned Businesses in Florida & More

In addition to Veteran owned businesses in Florida, we also highlight Florida businesses who support Veterans. Leaving the US Military and rejoining the civilian world is one of the hardest trials that Veterans face. Both of these Florida business types play an important role in our Vets rejoining civilian life after leaving the military.

Support these Busineesses!

My VIP Tour can provide you with an unforgettable, exclusive experience at all of Orlando's theme parks (Disney Tours, Universal Studios). The company is known for dedicating to giving clients the very best in travel assistance and tours.

With a decade of cleaning service to the city, Prestige Carpet Cleaners is more than just another tall tale in Florida.

SpareSpace Self Storage in Miami, FL is making moving day a lot easier by offering a free move-in truck with self-storage rental. SpareSpace's team of storage professionals will help you find the perfect unit for your specific needs, and also help you save money to make storing your items as convenient and affordable as possible. SpareSpace proudly supports local businesses and veteran-owned businesses, demonstrating its commitment to both Miami's economy and those who have served our country.

Precision Pest Control has been keeping veteran homes pest free for over 20 years. Visit them for pest control services in Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa and other areas of Florida.

Latest From Our Memorial Day Blog

Memorial Day Veteran Businesses to Support

Leaving the US Military and rejoining the civilian world is one of the hardest trials that veterans face. Most civilians don’t realize the full impact of veteran owned businesses. With many veterans having zero work experience, the best and easiest transition is the find employment in a veteran owned business with other veterans. Below are businesses that are either owned by veterans or go above and beyond to support our vets.

We ask you to consider supporting these great businesses that do some much for our vets!

CBD oil
fundraising cards
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